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Streamlined Licensing for Hypervisor-Based Replication Tools – Faction Inc.

We just launched additional ways for our partners to leverage hypervisor-based replication tools through two industry leaders, Veeam Software and Zerto.  Now, even if you don’t have licensing relationships with these two companies, you can still take advantage of cutting edge data protection services for your clients and end users. Our new licensing programs enable simplified ways for you to replicate your clients’ data on top of the Faction enterprise-class cloud.  All of this enables our Faction ecosystem to be armed with a wider variety of services complimentary to our cloud, and it makes Faction a true one-stop shop.

Both Veeam and Zerto provide data protection for virtualized infrastructures in the cloud. Faction highly recommends hypervisor-based tools, as they are very effective in cloud environments and offer incredibly granular snapshots in a virtualized environment.

We love these data backup tools for many reasons and are excited to share them with our partners and service providers. The best way to protect data is at a virtual level — one virtual machine at a time.


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