On-demand Webinar: Multi-Cloud & Data, Like Peanut Butter & Jelly (extended version)
There’s a ton of diversity in the market when you look at public clouds today and the list of services available from each provider. So how do you know which cloud provider to choose for each workload and how do you leverage the best of each vendor?
Luckily, if you have adopted multi-cloud as your strategy you don’t really have to choose, as you can pick the best tools and services from the most suitable clouds. The only catch, your data must be accessible from all the clouds simultaneously.
In this on-demand webinar, CTO Matt Wallace covers:
• Definition of multi-cloud and how it differs from hybrid cloud
• Why multi-cloud matters and how it can improve your business
• Some workloads that take advantage of the multi-cloud architecture
• Faction’s solution to centralizing data between the clouds