inside BIGDATA | Before selecting a data warehouse strategy, take these 3 steps
Before selecting a data warehouse strategy, take these 3 steps
Data, and the insights it provides, is the lifeblood of many organizations. That’s why it’s imperative that Enterprise Architects implement a data warehousing strategy that delivers value to their business and protects the company’s data.
In her recent InsideBigData article, How to Overcome Obstacles in Data Lake and Warehouse Strategies: 3 Best Practices for Enterprise Architects, Faction’s Enterprise Architect Kim Read elaborates on the three steps EAs should take for a successful data warehouse strategy and implementation. Those three steps are:
Evaluate and select the appropriate tooling
How to weigh “build versus buy” criteria, and how that may have changed with today’s off-the-shelf capabilities of major vendors
Best practices for cleaning and maintaining reliable data
To read the full article, click here.
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